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Quick start

To download apep is only by our discord servier, join the server following this link. Once there download the file and extract the archive somewhere on your computer. Then, navigate to the directory you extracted the archive to and run the Apep.exe.

Only work with 32 bits client!

Apep is only available for 32 bits client on versions older than 9.2.7. If you are using a 64 bits client on a version older than 9.2.7, you will need to downgrade your client to 32 bits.

Configuring Apep before starting

Apep is a very powerful tool, but it requires some configuration before you can start using it. You need to specific where is you wow client located, by clicking on the input and selecting the wow.exe. A configuration file is created and located in the same directory as the Apep.exe and is called settings{version}.json. This file only is created after you run the Apep.exe for the first time. You dont need to edit this file, but if you want to see you can open it with a text editor.

Getting started